Retail price index

The Retail Price Index (RPI) measure of inflation.

'14 252.6 254.2254.8255.7255.9256.3
'13 245.8 247.6248.7249.5250.0249.7
'12 238.0 239.9 240.8 242.5 242.4 241.8
'11 229.0 231.0 232.5 234.4 235.2 235.2
'10 217.9 219.2 220.7 222.8 223.6 224.1
'09 210.1 211.4 211.3 211.5 212.8 213.4
'08 209.8 211.4 212.1 214.0 215.1 216.8
'07 201.6 203.1 204.4 205.4 206.2 207.3
'06 193.4 194.2 195.0 196.5 197.7 198.5
'05 188.9 189.6 190.5 191.6 192.0 192.2
'04 183.1 183.8 184.6 185.7 186.5 186.8
'03 178.4 179.3 179.9 181.2 181.5 181.3
'02 173.3 173.8 174.5 175.7 176.2 176.2
'01 171.1 172.0 172.2 173.1 174.2 174.4
'00 166.6 167.5 168.4 170.1 170.7 171.1
'99 163.4 163.7 164.1 165.2 165.6 165.6
'98 159.5 160.3 160.8 162.6 163.5 163.4
'97 154.4 155.0 155.4 156.3 156.9 157.5
'96 150.2 150.9 151.5 152.6 152.9 153.0
'95 146.0 146.9 147.5 149.0 149.6 149.8
'94 141.3 142.1 142.5 144.2 144.7 144.7
'93 137.9 138.8 139.3 140.6 141.1 141.0
'92 135.6 136.3 136.7 138.8 139.3 139.3
'91 130.2 130.9 131.4 133.1 133.5 134.1
'90 119.5 120.2 121.4 125.1 126.2 126.7
'89 111.0 111.8 112.3 114.3 115.0 115.4
'88 103.3 103.7 104.1 105.8 106.2 106.6
'87 100.0 100.4 100.6 101.8 101.9 101.9
'11 234.7 236.1 237.9 238.0 238.5 239.4
'10 223.6 224.5 225.3 225.8 226.8 228.4
'09 213.4 214.4 215.3 216.0 216.6 218.0
'08 216.5 217.2 218.4 217.7 216.0 212.9
'07 206.1 207.3 208.0 208.9 209.7 210.9
'06 198.5 199.2 200.1 200.4 201.1 202.7
'05 192.2 192.6 193.1 193.3 193.6 194.1
'04 186.8 187.4 188.1 188.6 189.0 189.9
'03 181.3 181.6 182.5 182.6 182.7 183.5
'02 175.9 176.4 177.6 177.9 178.2 178.5
'01 173.3 174.0 174.6 174.3 173.6 173.4
'00 170.5 170.5 171.17 171.6 172.1 172.2
'99 165.1 165.5 166.2 166.5 166.7 167.3
'98 163.0 163.7 164.4 164.5 166.7 167.3
'97 157.5 158.5 159.3 159.5 159.6 160.0
'96 152.4 153.1 153.8 153.8 153.9 154.4
'95 149.1 149.9 150.6 149.8 149.8 150.7
'94 144.0 144.7 145.0 145.2 145.3 146.0
'93 140.7 141.3 141.9 141.8 141.6 141.9
'92 138.8 138.9 139.4 139.9 139.7 139.2
'91 133.8 134.1 134.6 135.1 135.6 135.7
'90 126.8 128.1 129.3 130.3 130.0 129.9
'89 115.5 115.8 116.6 117.5 118.5 118.8
'88 106.7 107.9 108.4 109.5 110.0 110.3
'87 101.8 102.1 102.4 102.9 103.4 103.3
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Alexander Marshall is a trading name of Opulus Financial Ltd

C/O Macdonald Henderson, 4th Floor Standard Buildings, 94 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6PH

Registered in Scotland: SC676887

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